S & E's Tip #4 ☕️💗
S & E's TIP OF THE WEEK: Every night say 3 things that you loved that your person did that day!
I think about a year or 2 ago we had the idea to start saying 3 things that we loved that the other person did that day every night before bed. One person says one thing then the other person says one thing etc. So for example, one person might say "I love that you put toothpaste on my toothbrush for me" and the other might say "I love that you cleared the table." It can be anything big or small that you really loved.
We wanted to make sure that we ended off our day on a positive and loving note. Its so easy to nitpick things that maybe annoyed or frustrated you and the little things that made you happy or feel loved sometimes can get quickly forgotten. It's nice to put the focus on the little (or big) every day things that make you both feel happy and in love.
Another cool thing about doing these every night "I loves" is sometimes your person might say something that you didn't even realize meant something to them or brought joy into their day. It could've been something so small that you didn't realize could make an impact on their day but it did!
Here's an important part about doing these nightly "I loves"...
Make it a ritual!
And not just by saying it every night but by creating something special together that makes it clear when your "i loves" start and end. You can make up your own saying and or action to do together before and after "I loves."
We have a different thing we do when we start compared to when we end... but ours are weird and only we would understand them so we won't be sharing them lol but make something that you both can do together no matter how weird or random. We also have a few rules we do while doing them so that they are kept sacred. For example, we don't kiss until we're done saying our 3 (or more) things and then we kiss in our ending ritual. We don't do this but maybe you'd like to hold hands the whole time or something like that. Anything you both would like really. Just something you both can do every time so you can make it sacred!
Another way we've found this helpful is when we're arguing. Let's explain....
If we're in an argument and don't feel like talking to each other this pushes us to communicate with each other because we HAVE to do "I loves" before bed because as we've mentioned before.. they are sacred. We also try to not do them when we're really upset with each other so we'll try to communicate before we do them... or during... depending on the level of upsetness lol. But we've found that it helps us to not go to bed angry as much.
Another little tip...
We try to do them every night but sometimes things get in the way like if you're not feeling well that night etc... then we just do double the next night! If you're doing double "I loves" you can totally use I loves from both the current day and the day before because you didn't get to do them yet!
Also, you don't have to call them "I loves" we don't even call them "I loves" we call them "I looves" but that's just something that's special and weird to us haha you can call them whatever you'd like that's special for you both!
Add "I loves" to your bedtime routine! Make it a ritual and say at least 3 things that your person did that day that you loved and vise versa! It's a great way to try to consistently keep your connection and relationship strong, positive, and full of love!
Let's have a year full of continuous relationship growth and flourishing love!
Well that's all for this weeks Tips and Tea with S & E! ☕️💗
Let's keep our relationship growing
and our connection glowing!